Sep 3, 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Your Organization

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In today’s evolving workplace, resources are limited and we all need to know where to focus. For those of you who recognize that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are essential components of a thriving, innovative, and competitive organization, do you know of an easy way to find out where your organization stands in its DEI journey? That’s where the OurOffice DEI Maturity Model Assessment comes in—a powerful tool designed to evaluate and enhance your organization's readiness for DEI initiatives.

What is the DEI Maturity Model Assessment?

The DEI Maturity Model Assessment is a comprehensive tool that helps organizations assess their readiness and maturity in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It evaluates key areas of your organization's infrastructure, processes, and policies. With an average completion time of just 15 minutes for someone knowledgeable in the organization, this assessment provides a quick yet insightful snapshot of your DEI landscape.

Upon completing the assessment, your organization will receive four key DEI scores:

  1. DEI Strategy and Commitment
  2. Talent Diversity
  3. Workplace Inclusivity
  4. Engagement and Communication

In addition to these scores, you'll also receive an overall DEI rating, ranging from Aware to World-class. This rating reflects your organization’s current position on the DEI maturity spectrum. Plus, you'll earn a digital badge corresponding to your overall rating, which can be proudly displayed on your website and other branding materials. As a bonus, you’ll gain access to industry benchmarks, allowing you to compare your performance with the best in your field.

Why is the DEI Maturity Model Assessment Important?

The primary purpose of the DEI Maturity Model Assessment is to guide your organization in identifying key areas for improvement. The scores are aggregate measures, meaning they provide a high-level overview based on your responses to specific questions. These scores are especially useful when developing the first version of your DEI plan.

This process is crucial as research shows that companies with more diverse executive teams are 36% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability, and organizations with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets.

Furthermore, 67% of all job seekers, and over 80% of millennials and Gen Z workers, consider workplace culture and DEI as important factors when considering employment opportunities. So a DEI assessment and a plan to address the gaps are critical components in your ability to attract and retain the talent you need to succeed.

As your organization progresses, you can update your responses within the OurOffice platform, allowing you to track improvements and see how they impact your KPIs, particularly in the Processes and Policies category within the Analytics Module. This ongoing process ensures that your DEI efforts are both measurable and actionable, focused on the key gaps and opportunities, and driving real change within your organization.

How Are the Maturity Model Scores Calculated?

The scores you receive from the DEI Maturity Model are based on your responses to the survey questions. The questions and their relative weightings are carefully crafted through proprietary research and collaboration with DEI experts and data scientists. This ongoing research draws from evidence-based analysis of what makes organizations best-in-class when it comes to fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces.

It’s important to note that while the algorithm behind these scores is complex, involving various factors and considerations, the specifics are not disclosed. This protects the integrity of the assessment and ensures that organizations focus on the holistic improvement of their DEI practices, rather than gaming the system.

Understanding Benchmark Scores

Benchmark scores provide a valuable comparison against the best-in-class organizations across various industries. These benchmarks are derived from a combination of publicly available data, recognitions, awards, direct outreach to organizations, and anonymized data from the OurOffice platform.
Through the OurOffice DEI Institute, benchmark organizations can also update their data as they make progress, ensuring that the benchmarks reflect the latest best practices. While scores may vary depending on organizational size, the best-in-class scores offer a standard of excellence that all organizations can strive toward, regardless of size.

What Does Diversity Mean in the Maturity Model Assessment?

In the OurOffice framework, Diversity refers to seven specific categories of underrepresented groups, which are outlined in Appendix 1 of the DEI Plan. These categories are central to understanding how well your organization supports a diverse workforce and whether it actively works to include and uplift these groups.

Answering the Assessment Questions: Tips and Guidelines

When responding to the questions in the DEI Maturity Model Assessment, it’s crucial to focus on the present state of your organization. The questions are designed to be specific, often asking about current practices or those within the last 12 months. This ensures that your responses are objective and reflective of your organization's current DEI landscape.

If you’re working on initiatives that aren’t fully implemented yet, there’s still room for improvement in your DEI scores. Once these initiatives are in place, you can expect your KPIs to improve as well.

What If My Answer Is “No” to Some Questions?

It’s not uncommon to answer “No” to some questions, and that’s okay. The “Yes” answers typically align with best practices, but depending on your organization’s size, industry, and specific circumstances, some practices may not be applicable or necessary. The goal is to be aware of these best practices and strive to implement them as appropriate for your organization.

Interpreting Your Results: Are They Accurate?

It’s natural to have expectations about your organization’s DEI maturity, but it’s also important to remember that personal experiences and positions within the organization can influence these expectations. The DEI Maturity Model Assessment is just one component of a broader DEI evaluation, which might also include listening sessions and employee experience surveys. Together, these tools provide a more comprehensive picture of your organization’s DEI health.

Comparing to Benchmarks: Does a High Score Mean Success?

While it’s tempting to feel reassured by favorable comparisons to industry benchmarks, it’s important to keep the bigger picture in mind. In some industries, benchmark scores may be lower than you’d expect, reflecting broader challenges within that industry. A high score relative to benchmarks doesn’t necessarily mean your organization has no room for improvement—it simply means you’re ahead of the curve in an industry that may still have work to do.

The OurOffice DEI Maturity Model Assessment is a critical step in understanding and enhancing your organization’s DEI practices. By taking this assessment and analyzing your results, you’re making a commitment to fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace—an effort that will benefit your employees, your organization, and society as a whole.

For more questions or comments and to get a free DEI Maturity Model Assessment of your workplace, please do not hesitate to contact Our team is here to support you in any way we can.

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