Mar 28, 2023

How to Address Micro Aggressions Against Women

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This Women’s History month, we have decided to contribute by focusing on microaggressions against women and how allies can address them appropriately and effectively in the workplace.What is a Microaggression?A microaggression is a subtle or indirect form of discrimination that can take many different forms, including verbal or nonverbal cues, behaviors, or assumptions that can be harmful to individuals from marginalized groups. Microaggressions can be unintentional or intentional, but they can have a significant impact on the well-being and sense of belonging of those who experience them.

Why Is It Important to Combat Microaggressions?

Microaggressions can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and biases, erode trust, and create an unwelcoming or hostile environment for those who experience them.Identifying and addressing microaggressions creates a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and able to bring their whole selves to work. When individuals feel that they are being judged or excluded based on their race, gender, or other aspects of their identity, it can erode their sense of belonging and lead to feelings of isolation, stress, and anxiety. By combating microaggressions and creating a culture of inclusivity, organizations can create a more supportive and productive workplace, where everyone is empowered to contribute to their fullest potential.Ultimately, combating microaggressions is not only the right thing to do from a moral and ethical perspective, but it also makes good business sense, as many studies have shown. A workplace that values diversity and creates a culture of respect and inclusion is more likely to attract and retain top talent, foster innovation and creativity, and achieve better outcomes for employees and the organization as a whole.

The Data on Microaggressions Against Women

Research has shown that women in the workplace are disproportionately affected by microaggressions. A recent study by and SurveyMonkey found that:

1. Women of color experience more microaggressions than white women: 64% of women of color reported experiencing microaggressions at work, compared to 55% of white women.
2. Microaggressions have a negative impact on job satisfaction: Women who reported experiencing microaggressions were more likely to report lower job satisfaction, feeling undervalued, and feeling that their contributions were overlooked.
3. Women are more likely to experience microaggressions related to gender: The most common types of microaggressions reported by women were related to their gender, including being interrupted, having their ideas dismissed or ignored, and being subject to demeaning or sexist comments.
4. Microaggressions often go unreported: Only 29% of women who reported experiencing microaggressions said they reported them to a manager or human resources representative.
5. The impact of microaggressions can be cumulative: Women who reported experiencing more microaggressions were more likely to report feeling less committed to their job and less confident in their ability to succeed.Overall, these findings suggest that microaggressions are a significant issue for women in the workplace and can have a negative impact on job satisfaction, career advancement, and overall well-being.

How to Effectively Address Microaggressions?

It is important for organizations to take steps to address and prevent microaggressions by:● Having specific policies in place to ensure everyone is treated with respect in the workplace● Providing training on unconscious bias and related topics● Creating a culture of inclusion and respect with leaders as role models● Ensuring that employees feel safe and supported in reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment● Having timely conversations with the perpetrators to address microaggressions and inappropriate behaviors

How to Deal with Aggressors

Addressing biased and sexist behavior in the workplace can be a sensitive and challenging conversation to have, but it’s important to address it directly and professionally.
Here are some tips on how to approach the conversation:
● Be clear and specific: Start the conversation by describing the specific behaviors or comments that you have observed that are inappropriate and go against the organization’s values and policies. Be specific and avoid making generalizations or assumptions.● Stay calm and professional: It’s important to approach the conversation in a calm and professional manner, even if you are feeling upset or frustrated. Use a tone that is firm, but not confrontational or aggressive.
● Use “I” statements to describe how the behavior is impacting you or the workplace, rather than making accusatory statements. For example, say “I feel uncomfortable when you make comments like that” rather than “You are being inappropriate.”● Emphasize the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion: Make it clear that biased and sexist behavior is not acceptable in the workplace and that it goes against the organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Emphasize the importance of creating a respectful and inclusive workplace for all employees.● Offer guidance and support to help the employee understand the impact of their behavior and how they can change it. Be clear about what is expected of them going forward and provide resources or training if necessary.● Document the conversation in writing, including the date, time, and key points discussed. This will be important if the behavior continues or if there are any legal issues in the future.Remember, it’s important to address biased and sexist behavior in the workplace to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for all employees. By approaching the conversation in a professional and constructive manner, you can help the employee understand the impact of their behavior and work towards positive change.Lastly, confronting microaggressions is not only leadership’s responsibility. White the tactics and specifics may be different, it’s everyone’s responsibility to address microaggressions regardless of your role in the organization.We know that this is easier said than done, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone here at, as we are here to support you in any way we can.


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